Information use in algorithmically curated media environments

My main research interest is information use in algorithmically curated media environments, with a specific focus on the usage, dissemination, and perception of news and political information on social media platforms. In this area, I have published various empirical, methodological, and theoretical papers that address important question of information use in the digital age. For example, how do the specific characteristics of social media platforms influence the uses and effects of news? What are the implications of personalization processes for users’ (perceived) informedness? And which factors determine which kind of information is shared and discussed a lot in recent media environments? The work not only sheds light on what it means to use information today, but also illustrates how to investigate personalized and often “invisible” usage processes empirically.
Since October 2023, I am leading a DFG-funded research project in which we are investigating how older adults are using social media platforms such as Facebook and messenger apps such as WhatsApp for information purposes. More information about the project can be found here (in German).