Peer-Reviewed Conference Presentations

[71] Anter, L., Fischer, M., & Kümpel, A. S. (2025, June). Information and news use by older adults in social media and messenger apps: A systematic literature review. Accepted for the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.

[70] Luzner, L., & Kümpel, A. S. (2025, June). Sexism in video games: A literature review of research in the domains game creation, content, and community/culture. Accepted for the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Denver, CO, USA.

[69] Kümpel, A.S., & Anter, L., & Fischer, M. (2025, March). Informations- und Nachrichtennutzung von älteren Menschen in sozialen Medien und Messenger-Apps: Ein systematisches Literatur-Review [Information and news use by older adults in social media and messenger apps: A systematic literature review]. Accepted for the Annual Conference of the DGPuK, Berlin, Germany.

[68] Czapowski, L., & Kümpel, A. S. (2024, March). Datenspenden in der Videospielforschung. Methodische Herausforderungen und Potenziale am Beispiel der Spende digitaler Nutzungsdaten von League of Legends [Data donations in video game research. Methodological challenges and opportunities using the example of the donation of digital usage data from League of Legends]. Accepted for the Annual Conference of the DGPuK, Erfurt, Germany.

[67] Kunze, L., & Kümpel, A. S. (2024, January). Als Break Taker zur Media-Life-Balance? Ein Experiment zur Untersuchung des Einflusses zweier Instagram-Detox-Methoden auf das subjektive Wohlbefinden [An experiment to investigate the influence of two Instagram detox methods on subjective well-being]. Presented at the Annual Conference of the DGPuK division “Media reception and effects”, Freiburg, Switzerland.

[66] Kümpel, A. S. (2023, May). Information and news use by older adults in social media and messenger apps: A review. Presented at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Toronto, Canada.

[65] Kümpel, A. S., & Unkel, J. (2023, May). Differential perceptions of and reactions to incivil and intolerant user comments. Presented at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Toronto, Canada.

[64] Schmid, U. K., Kümpel, A. S., & Rieger, D. (2023, May). Should I engage? Factors influencing social media users’ (lack of) engagement with hate speech. Presented at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Toronto, Canada.

[63] Schmid, U. K., Kümpel, A. S., & Rieger, D. (2023, January). Hinsehen oder Wegschauen? Faktoren der (fehlenden) Beschäftigung mit Hate Speech auf Social-Media-Plattformen [Take a look or look away? Factors for (the lack of) engagement with hate speech on social media platforms]. Presented at the Annual Conference of the DGPuK division “Media reception and effects”, Augsburg, Germany.

[62] Kümpel, A. S., Anter, L., & Unkel, J. (2022, October). What does “being informed” mean? Assessing social media users’ self-concepts of informedness. Presented at the Annual Conference of the ECREA, Aarhus, Denmark.

[61] Anter, L., & Kümpel, A. S. (2022, June). Informationsbedürfnisse, -nutzung und -verständnis junger Erwachsener im Kontext von Instagram. Eine Mehrmethodenstudie [Young adults’ information needs, use, and understanding in the context of Instagram. A multi-method study]. Presented at the Annual Conference of the DGPuK division “Media reception and effects”, Düsseldorf, Germany.

[60] Kümpel, A. S. (2022, June). Social-Media-Plattformen und Glaubwürdigkeitsevaluationen. Eine experimentelle Studie zum Einfluss von Plattform- und Anbieter-Cues auf die wahrgenommene Glaubwürdigkeit von Nachrichtenbeiträgen [Social media platforms and credibility evaluations. An experimental study of the influence of platform and provider cues on the perceived credibility of news posts]. Accepted for the Annual Conference of the DGPuK division “Media reception and effects”, Düsseldorf, Germany (not presented due to illness).

[59] Schmid, U. K., Kümpel, A. S., & Rieger, D. (2022, June). Wahrnehmung von Hate Speech im Social-Media-Kontext: Eine qualitative Mehrmethodenstudie [Perceptions of hate speech in a social media context: A qualitative multi-method study]. Presented at the Annual Conference of the DGPuK division “Media reception and effects”, Düsseldorf, Germany.

[58] Kümpel, A. S. (2022, May). Social media platforms and news credibility evaluations: A pre-registered study on the influence of platform and provider cues on the perceived credibility of news posts [Poster]. Presented at the Annual Conference of the ICA, Paris, France.

[57] Kümpel, A. S., & Anter, L. (2022, May). Young adults’ information needs, use, and understanding in the context of Instagram: A multi-method study. Presented at the Annual Conference of the ICA, Paris, France.

[56] Schmid, U. K., Kümpel, A. S., & Rieger, D. (2022, May). How social media users perceive different forms of online hate speech: A qualitative multi-method study. Presented at the Annual Conference of the ICA, Paris, France.

[55] Schwertberger, U., Unkel, J., Kümpel, A. S., & Rieger, D. (2022, May). Detecting entertainment experiences in Social TV interactions: Report on a dictionary in progress. Presented at the Annual Conference of the ICA, Paris, France.

[54] Unkel, J., & Kümpel, A. S. (2022, May). Patterns of incivility on U.S. congress members’ social media accounts: A comprehensive analysis of the influence of platform, post, and person characteristics. Presented at the Annual Conference of the ICA, Paris, France.

[53] Jungblut, M., Kümpel, A. S., & Steer, R. (2021, November). Die Krisenkommunikation der Polizei in sozialen Medien: Eine Mixed-Method-Studie zur Verwendung sozialer Medien während Organisationskrisen und externen Krisensituationen [Police crisis communication in social media: A mixed-method study on the use of social media during organizational crises and external crisis situations]. Presented at the Annual Conference of the DGPuK division “PR and organizational communication”, Mainz, Germany.

[52] Schmid, U. K., Kümpel, A. S., & Rieger, D. (2021, September). The remote self-confrontation interview: Insights from a distance. Presented at the Annual Conference of the DGPuK division “Methods”, Virtual Conference (originally to be held in Vienna, Austria).

[51] Kümpel, A. S. (2021, May). Social media information environments and their implications for the uses and effects of news: The PINGS framework. Presented at the Annual Conference of the ICA, Virtual Conference (originally to be held in Denver, CO, USA).

[50] Kümpel, A. S., Jungblut, M., & Steer, R. (2021, May). Social media use of the police in crisis situations: A mixed-method study on communication practices of the German police. Presented at the Annual Conference of the ICA, Virtual Conference (originally to be held in Denver, CO, USA).

[49] Rieger, D., Kümpel, A. S., Wich, M., Kiening, T., & Groh, G. (2021, May). Assessing the prevalence and contexts of hate speech in fringe communities: A case study of alt-right communities on 8chan, 4chan, and Reddit. Presented at the Annual Conference of the ICA, Virtual Conference (originally to be held in Denver, CO, USA).

[48] Keller, J., Haßler, J., & Kümpel, A. S. (2021, April). Instagram and party campaigning in the 2017 German federal election. A quantitative content analysis of the Instagram posts of German top politicians and parliamentary parties. Presented at the Three-Country Conference on Communication Science (DACH 21), Virtual Conference (originally to be held in Zurich, Switzerland).

[47] Kümpel, A. S. (2021, April). Algorithmic information curation from the user’s perspective: Assessing perceptions of curated content with qualitative and mixed-methods designs. Presented at the Three-Country Conference on Communication Science (DACH 21), Virtual Conference (originally to be held in Zurich, Switzerland).

[46] Kümpel, A. S. (2021, April). Using news in social media information environments: The PINGS framework. Presented at the Three-Country Conference on Communication Science (DACH 21), Virtual Conference (originally to be held in Zurich, Switzerland).

[45] Kümpel, A. S., & Rutschmann, T. (2021, April). Telling (news) stories on Instagram. A quantitative content analysis of German news providers’ use of Instagram stories. Presented at the Three-Country Conference on Communication Science (DACH 21), Virtual Conference (originally to be held in Zurich, Switzerland).

[44] Dienlin, T., Johannes, N., Bowman, N. D., Masur, P. K., Engesser, S., Kümpel, A. S., … de Vreese, C. (2020, May). An agenda for open science in Communication. Presented at the Annual Conference of the ICA, Virtual Conference (originally to be held in Gold Coast, Australia).

[43] Kümpel, A. S. (2020, January). Nebenbei, mobil und ohne Ziel? Eine Mehrmethodenstudie zu Nachrichtennutzung und -verständnis von jungen Erwachsenen [A multi-method study on the news use and understanding of young adults]. Presented at the Annual Conference of the DGPuK division “Media reception and effects”, Würzburg, Germany.

[42] Rieger, D., Kiening, T., & Kümpel, A. S. (2020, January). Hassvoll im Netz – Netz voller Hass. Eine quantitative Inhaltsanalyse zu Prävalenz und Zielgruppen von direkter und indirekter Hate Speech auf Reddit, 4chan und 8chan [A quantitative content analysis of prevalence and target groups of direct and indirect hate speech on Reddit, 4chan, and 8chan]. Presented at the Annual Conference of the DGPuK division “Media reception and effects”, Würzburg, Germany.

[41] Unkel, J., & Kümpel, A. S. (2020, January). (A-)synchrone Kommunikation über TV-Serien in sozialen Medien. Eine Mehrmethodenstudie zu rezeptionsbezogenen Kommunikationsaktivitäten in sozialen Medien am Beispiel von Reddit-Diskussionsthreads zu Game of Thrones [(A)synchronous communication about TV series in social media. A multi-method study of communication practices in Reddit discussion threads about Game of Thrones]. Presented at the Annual Conference of the DGPuK division “Media reception and effects”, Würzburg, Germany.

[40] Leiner, D. J., Karnowski, V., & Kümpel, A. S. (2019, September). Ein nachvollziehbares Verfahren zur automatisierten lexikalischen Kodierung der expliziten Emotionalität von deutschsprachigen Nachrichtenartikeln [A comprehensible procedure for the automated lexical coding of the explicit emotionality of German-language news articles]. Presented at the Annual Conference of the DGPuK division “Methods”, Greifswald, Germany.

[39] Wulf, T., Rieger, D., Kümpel, A. S., & Reinecke, L. (2019, September). Harder, better, faster, stronger? The relationship between cognitive task demands in video games and recovery experiences. Presented at MediaPsych 2019, Chemnitz, Germany.

[38] Karnowski, V., Leiner, D. J., Kümpel, A. S., & Leonhard, L. (2019, May). Worth to share? Determinants of news sharing success on social network sites. Presented at the Annual Conference of the ICA, Washington, DC, USA.

[37] Kümpel, A. S. (2019, May). Getting tagged, getting informed? A mixed-methods investigation of the effects and motives of news-related tagging activities on Facebook. Presented at the Annual Conference of the ICA, Washington, DC, USA.

[36] Kümpel, A. S., & Unkel, J. (2019, May). How comment presentation order and valence affect users’ quality perceptions: A pre-registered study on the effects of user comments on perceptions of journalistic quality. Presented at the Annual Conference of the ICA, Washington, DC, USA.

[35] Possler, D., Scheper, J., Kreissl, J., Raney, A. A., Kümpel, A. S., & Unkel, J. (2019, May). Awe-inspirational gaming: Exploring the formation and entertaining effects of awe in video games. Presented at the Annual Conference of the ICA, Washington, DC, USA.

[34] Karnowski, V., Leiner, D. J., Kümpel, A. S., Leonhard, L., & Schulz, K. (2019, May). „Obama is hot, Juncker not?“ Empirische Befunde und Grenzen der Erklärkraft des Nachrichtenfaktors Prominenz auf die Weiterverbreitung von Nachrichtenartikeln auf sozialen Netzwerkseiten [Empirical findings and limits of the explanatory power of the news factor prominence on the dissemination of news articles on social network sites]. Presented at the Annual Conference of the DGPuK, Münster, Germany.

[33] Kümpel, A. S. (2019, May). Beiläufig informiert, beiläufig integriert? Determinanten der Auseinandersetzung mit auf sozialen Netzwerkseiten (SNS) entdeckten Nachrichteninhalten [Determinants of engaging with incidentally encountered news content on social network sites (SNS)]. Presented at the Annual Conference of the DGPuK, Münster, Germany.

[32] Kümpel, A. S., & Unkel, J. (2019, May). Wie beeinflussen Platzierung und Valenz von Kommentaren Qualitätswahrnehmungen? Eine präregistrierte Studie zum Einfluss von Nutzerkommentaren auf die Wahrnehmung journalistischer Qualität [How do presentation order and valence of comments affect quality perceptions? A pre-registered study on the influence of user comments on perceptions of journalistic quality]. Presented at the Annual Conference of the DGPuK, Münster, Germany.

[31] Kümpel, A. S. (2018, November). Incidental news exposure on Facebook: A mixed-methods study on factors influencing the step from „stumbling“ upon news posts to engaging with news. Presented at the Annual Conference of the ECREA, Lugano, Switzerland.

[30] Leonhard, L., Karnowski, V., & Kümpel, A. S. (2018, November). Online and (the feeling of being) informed: Online news usage patterns and their relation to subjective and objective political knowledge. Presented at the Annual Conference of the ECREA, Lugano, Switzerland.

[29] Possler, D., Kümpel, A. S., Unkel, J., & Klimmt, C. (2018, November). Awe-inspiring video games: Exploring the role of awe for digital game entertainment. Presented at the Annual Conference of the ECREA, Lugano, Switzerland.

[28] Kümpel, A. S. (2018, May). The issue takes it all? A qualitative study on factors influencing the shift from incidental news exposure to news engagement on social network sites (SNS). Presented at the Annual Conference of the ICA, Prague, Czech Republic.

[27] Possler, D., Kümpel, A. S., & Unkel, J. (2018, May). Entertainment motivations and gaming-specific gratifications as antecedents of hedonic and eudaimonic gaming entertainment experiences. Presented at the Annual Conference of the ICA, Prague, Czech Republic.

[26] Karnowski, V., Kümpel, A. S., Leiner, D. J., & Leonhard, L. (2018, May). Artikel- oder Themeneigenschaften: Wie lässt sich die Verbreitung von Nachrichtenartikeln auf sozialen Netzwerkseiten erklären? [Characteristics of the article or the issue: How can the diffusion of news articles on social network sites be explained?] Presented at the Annual Conference of the DGPuK, Mannheim, Germany.

[25] Kümpel, A. S. (2018, January). Und wieder siegt das Thema? Eine qualitative Studie zu Einflussfaktoren im Kontext der nicht-intentionalen Nachrichtenrezeption auf Facebook [The issue wins again? A qualitative study on influencing factors in the context of incidental news exposure on Facebook]. Presented at the Annual Conference of the DGPuK division “Media reception and effects”, Stuttgart, Germany.

[24] Leonhard, L., Karnowski, V., & Kümpel, A. S. (2018, January). Matthäus-Effekt der Nachrichtenrezeption? Zum Einfluss von Persönlichkeitseigenschaften auf die Auseinandersetzung mit beiläufig entdeckten Nachrichteninhalten auf Facebook [Matthew Effect of news reception? The influence of personality traits on engagement with incidentally encountered news content on Facebook]. Presented at the Annual Conference of the DGPuK division “Media reception and effects”, Stuttgart, Germany.

[23] Possler, D., Kümpel, A. S., & Unkel, J. (2018, January). Die Rolle von Unterhaltungsorientierungen und gamingspezifischen Gratifikationen für das Unterhaltungserleben in Videospielen [The role of entertainment motivations and gaming-specific gratifications for the entertainment experience in video games]. Presented at the Annual Conference of the DGPuK division “Media reception and effects”, Stuttgart, Germany.

[22] Karnowski, V., Kümpel, A. S., Leiner, D. J., & Leonhard, L. (2017, September). DYNAMISM: Ein Methodenbaukasten zur Untersuchung dynamischer Nachrichtensichtbarkeit in sozialen Medien[DYNAMISM: A methodological kit on the analysis of dynamic news visibility in social media]. Presented at the Annual Conference of the DGPuK division “Methods”, Mainz, Germany.

[21] Kümpel, A. S. (2017, September). Dynamik im Blick. Die qualitative Beobachtung mit Post-Exposure-Walkthrough als Methode für die Rekonstruktion individueller Navigations- und Selektionshandlungen auf sozialen Netzwerkseiten (SNS) [The qualitative observation with post-exposure walkthrough as a method for the reconstruction of navigation and selection practices on social network sites (SNS)]. Presented at the Annual Conference of the DGPuK division “Methods”, Mainz, Germany.

[20] Haim, M., Kümpel, A. S., & Brosius, H.-B. (2017, May). Popularity cues in online media. A review of conceptualizations, operationalizations, and effects [Poster]. Presented at the Annual Conference of the ICA, San Diego, CA, USA.

[19] Kümpel, A. S., Haim, M., & Brosius, H.-B. (2017, March). Popularitätshinweise in Online-Medien: Ein systematischer Überblick über Konzeptualisierungen, Operationalisierungen und Effekte [Popularity cues in online media. A review of conceptualizations, operationalizations, and effects]. Presented at the Annual Conference of the DGPuK, Düsseldorf, Germany.

[18] Leonhard, L., Karnowski, V., & Kümpel, A. S. (2016, October). What makes news articles viral? An investigation of the impact of news factors on highly shared news articles. Presented at the ICA Africa Regional Conference, Nairobi, Kenya.

[17] Kümpel, A. S., & Haim, M. (2016, October). Popularity indicators in online media. A review of research on the effects of metric user information. Presented at the AoIR Annual Conference (Internet Research 17), Berlin, Germany.

[16] Kümpel, A. S., Karnowski, V., & Leonhard, L. (2016, June). Why users share the news: Uncovering the role of motives, attitudes, and intention in predicting news sharing behavior [Poster]. Presented at the Annual Conference of the ICA, Fukuoka, Japan.

[15] Unkel, J., & Kümpel, A. S. (2016, June). The effects of digital games on hedonic, eudaimonic, and telic entertainment experiences [Poster]. Presented at the Annual Conference of the ICA, Fukuoka, Japan.

[14] Karnowski, V., Kümpel, A. S., & Leonhard, L. (2016, March). Zwischen Information und Unterhaltung: Eine Mehr-Methoden-Studie zum Einfluss von Nutzungsmotiven und Merkmalen des Inhalts auf das Teilen von Nachrichten in sozialen Medien [Between information and entertainment. A multi-method study on the influence of motivations and content characteristics on news sharing in social media]. Presented at the Annual Conference of the DGPuK, Leipzig, Germany.

[13] Kümpel, A. S., & Springer, N. (2016, January). Sensing public opinion: Zum Einfluss von Nutzerkommentaren auf die Wahrnehmung öffentlicher Meinung [Sensing public opinion: How user comments affect perceptions of public opinion]. Presented at the Annual Conference of the DGPuK division “Media reception and effects”, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

[12] Leonhard, L., Kümpel, A. S., & Karnowski, V. (2016, January). News Sharing in sozialen Medien: Wer teilt Nachrichteninhalte mit anderen – und warum? [News sharing on social media: Who shares news and why?] Presented at the Annual Conference of the DGPuK division “Media reception and effects”, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

[11] Kümpel, A. S., & Springer, N. (2015, October). How user comments on a news site affect perceptions of journalistic quality. An experimental study using structural equation modeling. Presented at the AoIR Annual Conference (Internet Research 16), Phoenix, AZ, USA.

[10] Kümpel, A. S., & Karnowski, V. (2015, October). (Social) media use and news: News usage patterns and their effects on political participatory behavior. Presented at the AoIR Annual Conference (Internet Research 16), Phoenix, AZ, USA.

[09] Kümpel, A. S., & Springer, N. (2015, September). Commenting quality. Effects of user comments on perceptions of journalistic quality. Presented at the conference “The Future of Journalism: Risks, Threats and Opportunities”, Cardiff University, UK.

[08] Karnowski, V., & Kümpel, A. S. (2015, July). Follow-up communication 2.0. The role of social media in interpersonal conversations among young adults. Presented at the Social Media & Society 2015 International Conference, Toronto, Canada.

[07] Kümpel, A. S., & Haas, A. (2015, May). Framing, the others, and me. Effects of media frames on perceptual judgments. Presented at the Annual Conference of the ICA, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

[06] Riesmeyer, C., Pfaff-Rüdiger, S., & Kümpel, A. S. (2015, May). The difference between knowledge and action. A qualitative media literacy typology. Presented at the Annual Conference of the ICA, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

[05] Kümpel, A. S., & Haas, A. (2014, May). Framing gaming. The effects of media frames on perceptions of game(r)s. Presented at the Annual Conference of the ICA, Seattle, WA, USA.

[04] Unkel, J., Kümpel, A. S., & Haas, A. (2014, May). Political celebrity endorsements on Facebook: Effects and perceived effects. Presented at the Annual Conference of the ICA, Seattle, WA, USA.

[03] Meyer, L., Rossmann, C., & Kümpel, A. S. (2013, October). Effective crisis management during health crises. The view of stakeholders and the example of the H1N1 pandemic. Presented at the International Conference on Crisis Communication in the 21st Century, Erfurt, Germany.

[02] Kümpel, A. S., Springer, N., & Ludolph, R. (2013, June). New opportunities to revive an old relationship: Reader-newsroom-interaction on online news sites. Presented at the Annual Conference of the ICA, London, United Kingdom.

[01] Keyling, T., Kümpel, A. S., & Brosius, H.-B. (2012, November). Die Darstellung von Politikern auf YouTube: Die Rolle von Humor in der Politikvermittlung [The presentation of politicians on YouTube: The role of humor in political communication]. Presented at the Mediensymposium 2012, Zurich, Switzerland.

Invited Presentations & Panel Discussions

[31] Kümpel, A. S. (2024, November). Auswirkungen von Anonymität und Pseudonymität auf die öffentliche Kommunikation [Effects of anonymity and pseudonymity on public communication]. Invited presentation at the 18th Jenaer Medienrechtliche Gespräche on “Identity, Identifiability, and Anonymity on the Internet”, Jena, Germany.

[30] Kümpel, A. S. (2024, July). The Open Science Framework (OSF). Einstieg in Plattform, Projekte und Präregistrierungen [The Open Science Framework (OSF). Introduction to platform, projects, and preregistrations]. Invited presentation for the young scholar section of the DGPuK division “Digital Communication.”

[29] Kümpel, A. S. (2024, April). Open Science in der Kommunikationsforschung. Notwendigkeit und Praktiken offener Wissenschaft [Open Science in communication research. Necessity and practices of open science]. Invited presentation for the IJK, HMTMH, Hannover, Germany.

[28] Kümpel, A. S. (2023, June). Waghalsige Sprünge in die Informationsflut. Bedeutung und Konsequenzen der Informationsnutzung in sozialen Medien [Risky leaps into the information overload. Significance and consequences of information use in social media]. Invited presentation as part of the TUD Lectures at TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany.

[27] Kümpel, A. S. (2022, November). Was ihr wissen wollt [What you want to know]. Speaker at a question show for children, organized as part of the project “POP-UP-WISSEN - Wissen schafft Dialog” at TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany.

[26] Kümpel, A. S. (2022, November). How to research the invisible? Investigating information use on social media platforms. Keynote speaker at the Annual Conference of the DGPuK division “Digital Communication”, Düsseldorf, Germany.

[25] Kümpel, A. S. (2021, May). Nutzung von Nachrichten und politischen Informationen in sozialen Medien. Bedeutung, Besonderheiten & Effekte [Use of news and political information in social media. Significance, particularities, & effects]. Invited presentation at the University of Jena lecture series “Political Communication,” Jena, Germany.

[24] Kümpel, A. S. (2022, May). 60 Minuten: Real Facts – Kommunikation durch die Wissenschaft [60 Minutes: Real Facts - Communication through Science]. Speaker at the online discussion series “60 Minuten” organized by the Faculty of Business and Economics at TU Dresden and the ifo Institute, Dresden, Germany (virtual).

[23] Kümpel, A. S. (2021, October). Nachrichtennutzung in sozialen Medien: Bedeutung und Folgen für die Meinungsbildung [News use in social media: Significance and consequences for opinion formation]. Invited presentation for the Medienkulturzentrum Dresden e.V., Dresden, Germany.

[22] Kümpel, A. S. (2021, September). Nachrichtennutzung in sozialen Medien. Bedeutung, Besonderheiten und Folgen für die Informationsversorgung [News use in social media. Significance, particularities, and consequences for citizens’ information supply]. Invited presentation for the Förderverein des Instituts für Kommunikationswissenschaft der TU Dresden e.V., Dresden, Germany.

[21] Kümpel, A. S. (2021, August). Sprach- und Debattenkultur in sozialen Medien und ihre Folgen für die öffentliche Meinungsbildung [The culture of debates in social media and its consequences for the formation of public opinion]. Invited presentation for the workshop “Sprache. Macht. Politik.” organized by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Berlin, Germany (virtual).

[20] Kümpel, A. S. (2021, July). “How do we want to present ourselves on digital platforms?”. Moderator of a thematic group on “Social Media” at the TU Dresden Future Lab, Dresden, Germany (virtual).

[19] Kümpel, A. S. (2021, June). Informations- und Nachrichtennutzung in sozialen Medien. Besonderheiten & methodische Herausforderungen [Information and news use in social media. Particularities & methodological challenges]. Invited presentation at the 20th IfK-Praxisforum, Dresden, Germany (virtual).

[18] Kümpel, A. S. (2021, June). Computational approaches to media entertainment. Speaker at a webinar organized by Media and Communication (Cogitatio).

[17] Kümpel, A. S. (2021, April). Experiencing news in a high-choice media environment: Theoretical foundations and empirical findings. Invited presentation for the Political Communication Research Group at the University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden (virtual).

[16] Kümpel, A. S. (2021, February). Young adults’ news definitions and everyday news use practices in a multi-choice media environment. Invited presentation at the speaker series “Cutting-edge Communication Research – CeCoR @ ASCoR,” Amsterdam, Netherlands (virtual).

[15] Kümpel, A. S. (2021, January). Nachrichtennutzung in sozialen Medien. Besonderheiten, Befunde & methodische Herausforderungen [News use in social media. Characteristics, findings, & methodological challenges]. Invited presentation at the TU Braunschweig lecture series “Theories and current approaches in communication studies,” Braunschweig, Germany (virtual).

[14] Kümpel, A. S. (2020, November). Respondent for the 11th NapoKo Colloquium 2020 (Network for young political communication scholars), Munich, Germany (virtual).

[13] Kümpel, A. S. (2020, November). How (young) people experience news in social media information environments: Characteristics, complexities, and challenges. Keynote speaker at the workshop “Youth, News, and Democratic Engagement,” Odense, Denmark (virtual).

[12] Kümpel, A. S. (2020, November). Nachrichten in sozialen Medien [News in social media]. Speaker at the jule Webkonferenz 2020 organized by the initiative “jule: Initiative junge Leser”.

[11] Kümpel, A. S. (2020, February). Tatort Demokratie: Digitale Medien im Verdacht [Crime scene democracy: Digital media under suspicion]. Speaker at a panel discussion organized by the Bayerisches Forschungsinstitut für Digitale Transformation (bidt), Munich, Germany.

[10] Kümpel, A. S. (2019, December). Zwischen Facebook, Instagram und YouTube. Die Rolle sozialer Medien in der Informationsnutzung und ihre Bedeutung für die Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit [The role of social media for using information and their importance in public relations]. Invited presentation at a symposium organized by Bayerische Akademie für Verwaltungs-Management, Gunzenburg, Germany.

[09] Kümpel, A. S. (2019, November). Zwischen Facebook, Instagram und YouTube. Die Rolle sozialer Medien in der Informationsnutzung und ihre Bedeutung für die Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit [The role of social media for using information and their importance in public relations]. Invited presentation at a symposium organized by Bayerische Akademie für Verwaltungs-Management, Augsburg, Germany.

[08] Kümpel, A. S. (2019, August). Glücklicher Zufall? Zum Potenzial des beiläufigen Kontakts mit Nachrichten auf sozialen Netzwerkseiten [Happy accident? The potential of incidental news exposure on social network sites]. Invited presentation at the lecture series “Leibniz Media Lunch Talks” of the Hans-Bredow-Institut, Hamburg, Germany.

[07] Kümpel, A. S. (2019, May). „Das wird man doch wohl noch sagen dürfen!“ Verhalten und Erleben von Debatten in den Sozialen Medien [Behavior and perceptions of debates in social media]. Speaker at a panel discussion organized by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS), Berlin, Germany.

[06] Kümpel, A. S. (2019, March). From news encounters to news engagement. Assessing the potential of “incidental” news exposure on social media. Invited presentation at the Information & Media Speaker Series (Michigan State University), East Lansing (MI), USA.

[05] Kümpel, A. S. (2019, March). From news encounters to news engagement. Assessing the potential of “incidental” news exposure on social media. Invited presentation for the Political Communication Working Group (University of Michigan), Ann Arbor (MI), USA.

[04] Kümpel, A. S. (2019, March). From news encounters to news engagement. Insight into my research on social media news use. Invited presentation for the Social Media Research Lab (University of Michigan), Ann Arbor (MI), USA.

[03] Kümpel, A. S. (2018, December). Nachrichtennutzung auf Facebook. Bedeutung, Besonderheiten und Effekte [News use on Facebook: Relevance, Particularities, and Effects]. Invited presentation at the lecture series „Alles außer Kontrolle? Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung für die Gesellschaft“, Passau, Germany.

[02] Haim, M., & Kümpel, A. S. (2016, January). Sie sind der Meinung, das ist spitze. Status Quo der Forschung zu Popularitätshinweisen [Status quo of research on popularity cues]. Invited presentation at the 8th IfKW Mediengespräch, Munich, Germany.

[01] Kümpel, A. S. (2014, April). Die Darstellung von Politikern auf YouTube: Die Rolle von Humor in der Politikvermittlung [The presentation of politicians on YouTube: The role of humor in political communication]. Invited presentation at the Medienkongress VS, Villingen-Schwenningen, Germany.